1988: The Big Pill

An Excerpt From the Show

What's This Scene All About?

Fred Rogers (1928-2003) was a Pittsburgh native and the creator and star of Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood. The show focused on preschoolers’ social development and aired nationally from 1968 to 2001 on PBS. A hallmark of every half-hour episode was Mister Rogers’ “coming home” routine, in which he exchanged his jacket for a sweater and changed shoes while singing “Won’t You Be My Neighbor?” Through the show, Mister Rogers tackled tough topics such as inclusivity, divorce, and death. 

In this clip from the 1988 Scope and Scalpel show, students parody Mister Rogers’ “coming home” routine and have changed the song to “Won’t You Be My Student?” In the parody, Dr. Ruben, a Pitt Med professor from the 1980s, is singing about writing Dean’s Letters for students. A Dean’s Letter, also known as the Medical Student Performance Evaluation (MSPE), discusses a medical student’s academic and clerkship performance in medical school and must be submitted with a student’s application to a residency program. 

The Show's Playbill


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