Dr. Leopold Depuy Matted; half-length, standing with caption
Messire George de Scudéry Half-length portrait with engraved framing and caption
Henricus A Deventer, Med: Doct Head and shoulders portrait with engraved framing and caption: Henricus A Deventer, Med: Doct
Wm.P. Dewees, M.D. Extracted from unknown book; head and shoulders portrait; captioned: Wm.P. Dewees, M.D.
[Gladys Dick] Head and shoulders photo portrait
[John Dickson] Head and shoulders portrait with printing notes on front and reverse
Diogene [Diogenes] Extracted from unknown book [?], head and shoulders portrait, holding a lamp, with engraved framing; captioned: Diogene
Petrus Dionis Chirurgus Head and shoulders portrait with engraved framing and notes on reverse
Dr Edward A. Doisy Extracted from unknown book; color reproduction of a painting by Frank Netter with short biography
Dollond stipple engraving; half-length, sitting
[Carl A. Dragstedt] Half-length, sitting in office; signed: Carl A. Dragsedt
[Cecil K. Drinker] Half-length, sitting; signed: Cecil K. Drinker, November 1938
Louis I. Dublin Proof photograph for publication; half-length, sitting: signed: Louis I. Dublin
[Eugene F. DuBois] Mounted photograph; half-length, sitting; signed: To George J. Kastlin with best regards from Eugene F. DuBois, Oct 25 1938
[John Duffy] Photo negative, set of one (1); head and shoulders portrait
[John C. Dumas] Photo negative of a pinned photograph; head and shoulders portrait of dr. Dumas
James Matthews Duncan
James Henry Dunn Extracted from book; head and shoulders portrait with engraved framing; captioned: James Henry Dunn 1853-1904
Dupuytren Head and shoulders engraved portrait; captioned: Dupuytren
Michel-Ange Duquesne de Menneville Reproduction of an engraving held by the Public Archives of Canada; head and shoulders portrait with engraved framing and caption: Le Mis. Duquesne, Avec Privilege du Roi
Felix Brunot Extracted from book; head and shoulders portrait; with signature: Felix Brunot
Paul Ehrlich Head and shoulders portrait, captioned: Paul Ehrlich (1854-1915) (From Bolduan "Public Health and Hygiene.")
[William Eicholz] ? Head and shoulders portrait; signed: Dr. Wm. Eicholz
[Eisaman] ? Full length portrait of Eisaman leaning on a car with Oakland buildings in the background; signed: E.L Eisaman
[Eric Ellenbogen] Set of two (2) negatives; half-length photo portraits, standing