[Robert Sydney Cunningham] Head and shoulders portrait; signed: To Dr. George J. Kastlin with [hundred thanks?] RS Cunningham
[Harvey Cushing] Half-length, sitting with book; signed: With the regards of Harvey Cushing ca 1900
Harvey Cushing Half-length, standing; Color reproduction of a painting by Frank Netter with biography
Arthur Robertson Cushny Extracted from book; head and shoulders portrait
Arthur H. Curtis Three quarters length, standing; signed: Arthur H Curtis
Cuvier Head and shoulders portrait with signature: Cuvier
Cuvier Head and shoulders portrait with caption: Cuvier
Elliott Carr Cutler Extracted from book; half-length, sitting; reproduction from a painting by Charles Hopkinson for the series Great American Surgeons with biography
Sir Henry Hallet Dale Head and shoulders, standing, holding vial with pharmacology-themed background; color reproduction of painting by Frank Netter with biography
[Charles X. Dalton] Mounted photograph of Dalton sitting in front of the window; half-length; with handwritten notes on reverse
[Charles X. Dalton] mounted on cardboard; half-length, sitting; overexposed photo of Dalton sitting in front of a window with painting of Madonna and child; handwritten notes on reverse
[Charles Loomis Dana] Half-length, standing
[Walter Edward Dandy] Head and shoulders; signed: Very sincerely yours, Walter E Dandy, Nov 1, 1938
Professor Jacques-Arsène d'Arsonval Three copies; mounted on cardboard; half-length, sitting in office, captioned: Professor Jacques-Arsène d'Arsonval 1851-1940
Charles Darwin Extracted from unknown book; reproduction of a painting by John Collier; half-length, standing, holding hat in left hand
[Loyal Davis] Half-length, sitting; signed: Loyal Davis; also signed: Helen Balfour Morrison
[Israel Davidsohn] Postcard; head and shoulders portrait; Signed: Israel Davidsohn October 26, 1938
Sir Humphry Davy Half-length; captioned: Sir Humphrey Davy From the original picture by Sir Thomas Lawrence in the possession of the Royal Society
Sir Humphry Davy, Bart. Pres. R.S. Half-length portrait; with caption: Sir Humphry Davy, Bart. Pres. R.S.
[Kenneth M. Day] Set of seven (7) negatives; 251, 252, 254, 264 half-length standing; 262, 263, 265 half-length sitting
[Dr. Paul Day] Single negative; head and shoulders portrait
John B. Deaver Color reproduction of a painting by Richard Lantry Partington for the series Great American Surgeons; head and shoulders portrait with short biography
[Joseph DeLee] Half-length portrait, standing; signed: Greetings to Dr. George J. Kastlin, J.B. DeLee 1938
Dr. Juvenal Denegri Extracted from unknown book; photo reproduction; Head and shoulders portrait with caption
[Helmut Dennig] Head and shoulders photo portrait; signed on reverse: Dr. Dennig