[Richard Clarke Cabot] Head and shoulders, looking down; signed: Richard C. Cabot and dated Dec 1, 1938
Francis Mitchell Caird Extracted from book; reproduction of photo portrait of Caird; half-length, sitting; captioned: FRancis Mitchell Caird
[Carl D. Camp] Head and shoulders; signed: Carl D. Camp
Henry F. Campbell Extracted from book; head and shoulders portrait; signed: Henry F. Campbell
Joanes Caius Extracted from book [?], half-length portrait, sitting with glove with carnation in left hand; with signature: Joanes Caius M.D.
Johannes Caius Half length, sitting, facing right with insignia in upper left corner; with signature: Johannes Caius; handwritten notes on reverse
[Walter Bradford Cannon] Sitting; signed: Yours friend Walter B. Cannon
Hieronymus Cardanus Head and shoulders, facing right; with caption: Hieronymus Cardanus and biography on reverse
[Anton Julius Carlson] Head and shoulders; signed: A.J. Carlson
[George Carlson Outdoors] Half length, standing; outside in courtyard[?]; signed: Cordially yours, Geo Carlson
[J. Bailey Carter] Matted in cardboard frame; head and shoulders; signed: Sincerely J. Bailey Carter MD
Dr. Cartwright Portrait with caption: Dr. Cartwright
[Arturo Castiglioni] Head and shoulders; signed: Arturo Castiglioni
[James McKeen Cattell] Head and shoulders; signed: McKeen Cattell
[Richard B. Cattell] Half length; sitting with arms folded; signed: Richard B. Cattell
A. Corn. Celsus. Medallion portrait of Celsus to right from Ex iconibus a Sambuco editis.
Paul Chamberlin, M.D. 1658 Half length; with signature: Paul Chamberlin M.D. 1658 From an Original Drawing
Jean Martin Charcot Matted and framed; head and shoulders engraving; captioned Jean Martin Charcot
Jean Martin Charcot
A Clinical Lesson at the Salpêtrière Extracted from book; Charcot lecturing - reproduction of a painting A Clinical Lesson at the Salpêtrière by Pierre Andre Brouillet
A Clinical Lesson at the Salpêtrière Charcot lecturing - mounted photo of a painting A Clinical Lesson at the Salpêtrière by Pierre Andre Brouillet
[Francis Sargent Cheever] Set of seven negatives; three sitting and four standing
Hans Chiari Reproduction of medallion portrait; head and shoulders; signed: H Chiari with caption in German
Dr. Habraham Chovet Extracted from book; medallion portrait to left with skull and bookshelves drawn by Dr. Van Eckhout
[Henry Christian] Mounted [indented?] photograph; head and shoulder portrait; signed: Henry H. Christian 1928