[H. Abrahamsen?] Signed photograph: Copenhagen 10 1939
[Walter C. Alvarez] Signed: Sincerely yours, Walter C. Alvarez
[Wallace Calvin Abbott] Photograph of a framed painting of W.C. Abbott, with signature: Paul Flimming?
Dr. John Jacob Abel Color reproduction of a painting by Frank Netter with biography
Irvin Abell Color reproduction of a painting by Samuel R. McDowell with biography
[Frank E. Adair] Signed: Frank E. Adair
[Fred Lyman Adair] Signed: Fred L. Adair 1939
[Thomas Addison] Reproduction of a painting of Thomas Addison by Frank Netter with biography
Alfred Washington Adson Signed photograph: A. W. Adson 2-4-[19]38
Mark Akenside Portrait of Mark Akenside
[Fred H. Albee] Mounted photograph signed: with the very best wishes to Dr. Geo. J. Kastlin from Fred H. Albee. also signed: mishkin studio
Bernhardus Albinus Engraving of head and shoulders illustration with mantle background, captioned: Bernhardus Albinus Medicina Theoretico-Practica Professor Lugo Bat
[E. V. Allen] Mounted photograph signed: E V Allen
[Frederick Madison Allen] Signed photograph: Frederick M. Allen, March 1939
David Alter reproduction of a negative image for a book illustration
David Alter A markup page for book illustration captioned: Dr. David Alter At the age of sixty. Also with editor's notes: Sq. H.T. 88 133 screen clean up background & retouch broken areas in illustration
Dr. C. F. v. Ammon Engraving of head and shoulders
[Gregorio Amunátegui Solar] Head and shoulders photograph with caption: Dr. Gregorio Amunátegui Professor of Clinical Surgery and Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Chile, Santiago, Chile
[Roger Anderson] Mounted photograph of heads and shoulders, Signed: To George Kastlin cordially Roger Anderson July 6 1939
[Edward Wyllys Andrews] Extracted from unknown book, With signature: E Wyllys Andrews
[The Agnew Clinic] Extracted from unknown book, three copies of a color reproduction of the painting "The Agnew Clinic," an 1889 painting by Thomas Eakins. Painting depicts D. Hayes Agnew leading a surgery with spectator audience.
James Annesley Extracted from unknown book; half-length, sitting; with caption: James Annesley 1780-1847 and longer caption on reverse side; numbered 76 on reverse side
[Paul A. O’Leary] Signed
John Armstrong M.D. Mounted engraving of head and shoulders; with caption: John Armstrong M.D. From a Miniature by Shelley in the possession of the Publisher; numbered 35