The "Medicine in Art" collection features satirical prints, drawings, and images related to dentistry, gout, and other medical subjects.

  • [The First Mercy Hospital]
    Drawing of a first permanent building of Mercy Hospital
  • A horse rider clasping at his jaw and calling for a dentist with an explanatory label: Curse the Hannibal he's knocked out all my teeth! No. 45 of Heath's lithographic satiresA dentist
    Framed color print of a horse rider clasping at his jaw and calling for a dentist with an explanatory label: Curse the Hannibal he's knocked out all my teeth! No. 45 of Heath's lithographic satires.
  • Colored print in wood frame. Crowd in early-American style dress watches as a man pulls a young man's tooth with an instrument.A Tooth Puller
    Framed print of Jan Steen's painting "A Tooth Puller"
  • An Exquisite Taste, with an enlarged understanding
    A diner enjoying his drink seated comfortably in a chair with his leg rested on a gout stool
  • Framed colored print. A man in regency-era clothes sits in a chair and pulls off the dentist's wig while the dentist pulls his tooth with an instrument.Easing the Toothach
    A tooth-puller extracts a tooth while the seated patient is pulling off dentist's wig. Colored pen drawing by A.G. 1821, after J. Gillray, 1796
  • La gotta del Sultano
    Gout sufferer with a foot resting on a stool
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