16th Century Books

Open book showing a black-and-white illustration of a naked man with various war wounds inflicted by various weapons.

Feldbuch der Wundarzney

Feldbuch der Wundarzney, a manual for military surgeons originally created by Hans von Gersdorff in 1517

Open book showing a double-page spread of black-and-white illustrations of various herbs, including Ficus and Calendula.

Herbarum Imagines Vivae

Herbarum Imagines Vivae, an herbal originally created by Christian Egenolff in 1538

Open book showing a double-page spread black-and-white illustration of a human skeleton posed in a hunched position.

De Humani Corporis Fabrica

De Humani Corporis Fabrica, an anatomical atlas originally created by Andreas Vesalius in 1543

Open book, with left page showing text and a black-white-illustration of an herb. Right page shows four black-and-white illustrations of herbs in a grid pattern.

A New Herball: Part I

A New Herball: Part I, an English herbal originally created by William Turner in 1551

Open book showing two pages of text.

A Boke or Counseill Against the Disease Called the SWEATE

A Boke or Counseill Against the Disease Called the SWEATE, an account of the English sweating sickness originally written by John Caius in 1552

Single page of an open book showing a colored illustration of two plants with handwritten text beneath.

The Badianus Manuscript

The Badianus Manuscript, an Aztec Herbal originally created by Martín de la Cruz in 1552

Open book, showing a black-and-white illustration of the female reproductive organs on the left page and text on the right page.

De Conceptu, et Generatione Hominis

De Conceptu, et Generatione Hominis, an obstetrical manual originally created by Jakob Rüff in 1554

Open book, showing two black and white illustrations: A surgery chest on the left page and surgery instruments on the right page.

Profitable and Necessarie Booke of Observations

Profitable and Necessarie Booke of Observations, a revised reprint of writings on treating war wounds and veneral disease originally created by William Clowes and published in 1596

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