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Gout & Rheumatism Miscellanea
Gout & Rheumatism Miscellanea
33 resources
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33 items
Rheumatism and arthritis
Pamphlet on rheumatism and arthritis in a popular series "The health builder series"
Some further observations on the use of the Colchicum autumnale in gout
Communication on the use of the meadow saffron in gout read before the Royal Society of London on May 8, 1817
The image of medicine in 1500: theological reactions to "The ship of fools"
Analysis of the portrayal of physicians and patients in the 15th-century poem "The ship of fools" by Sebastian Brant
The influence of Morgagni on anatomical thought
An address delivered at the 11th International Medical Congress in Rome on March 30, 1894
The learned Scotchman or magistrates mistake!!
A Scotchman bows in apology to a magistrate and his wife. The magistrate's gouty leg is resting on a foot stool. Rowlandson after Woodward
The treatment of acute rheumatism by salicin
Fragment of Maclagan's article on salicin in acute rheumatism treatment
Virchow and Morgagni
A reflection on Virchow's evaluation of Morgagni in his essay delivered during the International Medical Congress in Rome (1894)
Von dem Ziperlin oder Podagra
Gout sufferer carried in a sedan chair