Review of Robert Kinglake's work " A dissertation on gout, exhibiting a new view of the origin, nature, cause, cure, and prevention of that afflicting disease" (London: Murray, 1804)
Review of William Lambe's work "A medical and experimental inquiry into origin, symptoms, and cure of constitutional diseases, particulary scrophula, consumptions, cancer and gout" (London: Mawman, 1805)
A handwritten prescription for the remedy to cure any aches in the joints given by a physician to the Sheriff of York with a note in bracket: the writing of the late Henry Entwich, Esq.
Reports of cases of acute and chronic rheumatism successfully treated with colchichum autumnale and sulphur fumigation presented by W.C. [Walter Channing?] in the Boston medical and surgical journal (1828)
March 23 1833 issue of Lancet includes section on rheumatism, in which several treatment of the disease were discussed during the London Medical Society meeting on March 11, 1833. The reported treatments were: moderate bleeding, quinine, colchicum, elaterium and acupuncture
Publication advertising a vibrator, Pulsoconn invented by dr. Gerald Macaura, a quack. This device recommended as a blood circulator was supposed to be used in the treatment of rheumatism, arthritis, gout and other illnesses.
No. 10 issue of the London Lancet from January 21, 1843, which includes among lectures on diseases of the skin by Erasmus Wilson, and on syphilis by Samuel Lane, a short notice of the use of Bisulphuret of carbon in Copenhagen for rheumatism.
Review of Parkinson's work "Observations on the nature and cure of gout, on nodes of the joints, and on the influence of certain articles on diet in gout, rheumatism and gravel.
Framed print with a scene with a gout sufferer, seated with both his legs rested on a gout stool who is throwing in frustration caused by the pain, a plate with food at his maid.
Review of Bryan Crowther's work "Practical observations on the disease of the joints, commonly called white-swelling, with some remarks on scrofulous abscesses" (London: Robinson, 1797)