Set of mixed late 19th century surgical instruments manufactured by Caswell & Mazard Co., Otto & Sons, W.F. Ford, Kny & Scheerer and Otto Helmond; Surgical set. Set includes: 1 dressing spring forceps, marked Caswell & Mazard Co. on one side and W.F.Ford N.Y. on the other, 2 exploring needles, 1 polypus dressing and needle forceps, 1 scissors, 1 scalpel and straight bistoury combined in one handle with slide catch, 1 Gross's ear spoon and hook, 1 Gum lancet and tenaculum marked Otto & Sons, 1 director and ear spoon, Parker's Compound catheter (4 pieces), 1 artery forceps with slide catch which can be used as needle holder, 1 sharp pointed curved bistoury and tenotome with slide catch with Kny and Scheerer trade mark, 1 exploring needle in a reversible bone case, 5 suture needles with pure surgical silk (in paper envelope from Otto Helmold Surgical Instruments, Pittsburgh PA)